Generate More Leads Through Facebook! | Real Agent Pro - The Caruana Group

With more and more real estate transactions taking place on the internet, it is paramount that agents learn how to use Facebook to generate and convert leads. While there are many ways to optimize your business’ Facebook page for lead generation there are three main structural components a business must have in place if they hope to achieve success through Facebook. The best ways to generate organic leads through Facebook are by optimizing your business page, creating a compelling content campaign, and using Facebook’s advertising features to develop a targeted ad campaign. By effectively implementing all three facets into your Facebook presence, you can access an overwhelming number of solid leads.

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James White
How to Master Ghostwriting Blog Posts for Clients | The Caruana Group

Keeping up with your content creation is essential if you want to stay on top in the digital marketing world. With so many responsibilities that come with operating a business, it can be difficult for companies to generate content consistently. Therefore, many businesses outsource their content to a ghostwriter, allowing more internal resources to focus on running the company.

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James White
How to Make The Most Of Wraptie This Holiday Season | Wraptie - The Caruana Group

It’s the holiday season, and to celebrate, all of us here at WRAPTIE™ thought we’d give you your present a little early. Here is our all-inclusive guide to getting the most out of your Wraptie this December.

Securing The Tree

The most obvious use for Wraptie this time of year is for transporting Christmas trees. If you’re celebrating and decided to pick up a live tree for your home, Wraptie will make sure it safely reaches its destination, no reindeer required. Secure your tree to your one-horse open sleigh with these 4 easy steps.

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James White
Optimizing Your Real Estate Website | Real Agent Pro - The Caruana Group

If you want to continue to succeed in the modern real estate world, you need to equip yourself for the virtual one. A well-developed website is crucial to your success in the real estate industry as it can quickly generate leads, improve company reputation, and increase conversions, making the internet work for you. Optimizing your website can seem like an overwhelming task, but fortunately, Real Agent Pro has done its homework. By following these tips, you can build a user-friendly site, with strong SEO, and filled with quality content that improves your real estate experience.

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James White
Top Ten Tie Down Straps | Wraptie LLC - The Caruana Group

Join us as we categorize the top ten tie down straps on the market today, counting down to the number one product.


10 - Bungee Cords

Your traditional bungee cords are famous for being not quite long enough when you’re trying to secure something to a vehicle. While the hooks on the end allow you to link multiple cords together, if there isn’t enough tension, the bungee cords’ non-adjustable nature means you’ll have to make do with less. This leads to overstretching of the cord, which can result in a loss of elasticity, a broken bungee cord, or a potential eye injury from the recoil of the cord/fastener. Everything about the basic bungee cord can be improved which is why it seeded at the number 10 spot on this list.

Click here for the original PDF of this blog.

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James White
What Is SEO? (And Why it Matters For Your Business!) | The Caruana Group

If you have a website and are interested in monetizing it, then you’ve probably heard of search engine optimization (SEO). The world of SEO is expansive and can be a little intimidating, but fortunately, you don’t have to be an expert to make it work for your business.

For the original PDF of this article, click here.

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