Facing Your Biggest Fears to Turn Your Dreams into Reality | Real Agent Pro - The Caruana Group

Facing Your Biggest Fears to Turn Your Dreams into Reality

Written by Brayson Verzella

(Ghost Written By James White)


We all know being an agent is hard work, but we didn’t choose it because we thought it would be easy. We chose it because of the potential for big rewards! A major challenge most agents face is learning to adjust to a commission- based income, but that can also be an agent’s most significant strength.


Financial security was one of my concerns before I decided to step out of my comfort zone with my old career and go full commission. Without the stability of a salary, there are a lot of worst-case scenarios and “what-ifs” that can become crippling distractions if you let them. While these fears are rational, they can keep you from reaching your full potential as an agent, without even realizing it.
Early into my real estate career, I saw a lot of agents who I wanted to model my business after. They were doing things I wanted to do, talking to specific clients, running their business in non-traditional ways, living attractive lifestyles; and honestly, I thought that I could do it better than them. However, to achieve this goal I realized, I couldn’t keep doing the things I was currently doing or had done in the past. Fear of change is the bane of progress, and I couldn’t just keep doing the same things and expecting a different outcome. I had to make changes, and these changes required me to step out of my comfort zone. To get where I am today, I had to make that jump, commit to taking the steps that other successful agents had taken. To silence the doubt within me and turn my career into an adventure. It wasn’t easy, but I recognized it was necessary to achieve my goals.

Looking back on my early career, I wish I had been this hungry, this adventurous, even sooner. I don’t even recognize the person I was mentally compared to my perspective today. In hindsight, this all seems like an obvious change. Of course, I should have gone full commission, I would never have pushed myself as hard as I did, and I wouldn’t have the experience, knowledge, and confidence I do today. Sure, I still have doubts. Who doesn’t? But, I learned to push beyond them and prevent fear from holding me back. I’d recommend to any agent looking to improve their career, evaluate what they need to do to be more successful, and turn their career into an adventure.

It’s not easy to be an agent, especially one who stands out in this incredibly competitive market. There are many risks, with transitioning to full commission as just one of them. By making that change, your entire attitude, perspective, and mentality will change. Through my journey in real estate, I’ve learned the value and potential that comes with taking risks, stepping out of your comfort zone, and turning your career into an adventure. I would not be where I am today if I had not silenced my doubts, and trusted my abilities.

GhostwritingJames White