Monetizing Your Real Estate Database | Real Agent Pro - The Caruana Group
Using automation and CRM software is crucial to collecting and recording your leads. With today’s emphasis on digital marketing, and internet real estate transactions, acquiring an abundance of leads is easier than ever. However, those leads hold little value if you can’t monetize them. If you’re looking to drive conversions and make your lead database work for you, here’s what you need to know to effectively monetize your leads.
You Guessed It, Get Organized
At Real Agent Pro, we can’t stress enough how detrimental good organization is to your business’ success. It comes as no surprise that having an organized data base of leads is crucial to its monetization. The first step to getting coordinated is to categorize your leads into different segments. For example, create specific groups for high profile demographics such as buyer, sellers, new clients, and past clients. These four main categories give you a greater understand of the types of clients you have and can aid you into further specification, if you so choose. Having an understanding of the types of clients you have, and their specific needs is detrimental to monetizing your database.
Custom Content with a Personal Touch
While it is tempting to create one flexible email format for all your leads, you’ll see greater return on your database if you curate custom content for each demographic. Fortunately, you’ve already organized your database into different categories, making it easy to delivery targeted content to specific segments. For example, for new buyer leads you can send content informing them of your listings and your business’ unique services. Alternatively, for retuning clients you can schedule several personal phone calls at varying intervals, checking in on their process and seeing how you can be of service. Returning customers already understand the quality you provide and need less attention than uncertain new buyers. By creating custom targeted content, you can give each category a personalized touch, communicating that you care about their specific needs, creating a connection and increasing the likelihood of earning their business.
Track Engagement
After delivering your targeted content you can then use that content to track lead engagement. The leads that click on your content, interact with your videos and articles, and are involved in your business community are strong leads that you can guide down your marketing/sales funnel. With this new data you can decide how much time and resources are needed to nurture your colder leads, or if they are even worth pursuing. By tracking your leads’ engagement with your content, you can further categorize your leads, in turn providing even more personalized and targeted content. Through remarketing your services, you can make informed decisions and invest your time more efficiently. Filtering out your hottest leads from your database, you can focus on guiding said leads through the conversion process, monetizing your database.
Bring value
Of all the steps on this list, the most important is to bring value. You don’t want your clients to feel like they are a means to acquire more leads. While you can ask them for a referral, it is best to do so after you have fulfilled all their needs. Be sure to empathize with your clients, put yourself in their position and treat them as you’d want an agent to treat you. Always ask yourself what you can provide, such as insights, perspectives, and ideas, that can’t be acquired from another agent. These unique qualities are going to keep you at the forefront of the client’s mind and increase likelihood of earning their business. By providing the best value you will consistently convert your leads.
The internet has provided the real estate industry with an indefinite supply of leads, filling databases with more leads than most agents know what to do with. Through automation and organization, agents can target specific demographics with custom content to determine the temperature of many leads at once. This information allows realtors to increase their efficiency and direct resources where they are needed the most. With proper organization and targeting, agents can drive conversions and effectively monetize their database.
For more information on how to monetize your lead database, head over to Real Agent Pro to stay updated on our educational content. Check out and follow our social media, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and visit our Facebook page to register for our weekly webinars every Thursday. Interested in speaking to another human being directly? Go to to schedule a one-on-one strategy session. If you have any questions or want to learn more, be sure to get in touch with one of our agents.